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I see Architecture | 我看建築

My mind still being occupied with feedbacks and comments gained from the interim architectural presentation.

Alas, I have been busy for months until I don’t have time to update my blog!

Alright I will come with a writing related to architecture.

Many people have asked me: “What is architecture?”

My typical reaction would be: “It is hard to explain to you lah.”

Therefore, I would like to utilise this space to elaborate my attitude towards architecture, briefly.

Architecture just like a human being,

we need to stand firm to declare our identity and character.

I stand on this ground; I bury my foot into the soil,

and there goes the conversation with nature- FOUNDATION

The reason I could firmly stand is the backbone;

it is the communication with the foundation- STRUCTURE

And then tissues and muscles will interweave among the structure,

composing organs and systems.- SPACE

With the matured structures and spaces,

we need the suitable surface to treat sensitive organs and systems.

The exposed surface will be infected,

and lead to malfunction if the protection is absent.-FAÇADE

The quality of space need to be regulated well;

a sensible space can only be crafted then.- SENSE

Next, we need to identify someone’s identity with his/her face

as it is the most predominant portion of the entity.-LEGIBILITY

Well, if you still ask me: “What the hell is architecture?”

At this moment, I could only say:

“Architecture is the way of relationship materialisation.

It is the architecture exerting its power to enable a substance to be sensed.”
剛忙完期中建築評圖, 腦袋裡還是滿滿的回饋與評語.

啊,這裡已經超過一個月沒有灌水. 那就來個關於建築的貼文吧.

很多人問過我: "什麼是建築?"

我的反應往往都是: "我很難跟你解釋啦."

那 我姑且借用這個空間來解釋我的建築態度.

建築就好比人類, 需要立足-宣明身份-展現特質.

我站在這土地上, 我把腳埋進泥堆裡, 與自然的對話就此開始.—基礎

我之所以站得穩, 得依靠背後的脊椎, 與基礎的對話就開始了.—結構

這時組織與肌肉會交織於結構中, 構成器官與系統.—空間

有著成熟的結構與空間, 我們需要適當的表面來保護敏感的器官與系統.

沒有保護層的話, 曝露的面積會被感染, 以至無法正常運作.—外觀

空間亦如此, 它的品質需要被適當的調節, 才能營造出有感性的空間.—知覺

接著, 如果我要認知你的身份, 想必是通過人的面容吧! 它是個體的最顯眼之處.—辨識度

所以你還是會問我: "到底建築是什麼?"

這時,我只能說: "建築是一種展現關係的管道, 物質之所以能被感覺, 那是建築在施展力量."

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